Housing stockBan on misuse / Misappropriation ActCopyright: Philipp Meuser
Over the years Berlin has become more and more attractive to tourists, who in many cases rented holiday flats. There were people living in the neighbourhoods who complained about loud visitors in the streets and the consecutive presence of unknown faces in the buildings they lived in. Especially with the rise of Airbnb and the more difficult situation on the housing market with the mismatch of demand and supply the need to deal with that phenomenon became more urgent. In 2014 the Senate took action with the Misappropriation Act to ensure that the housing stock in Berlin is used for permanent living only. The law was sharpened in 2018. Vacancies (longer than three months), demolition, conversion and short-term use are prohibited. If any other use than housing is demanded by owners, they can file an application with the responsible borough. The Senate has also launched an internet site, on which people can report violations against this law.